Corey and Alex

My friendship with Corey dates back to 1991. We were barely teenagers and completely ridiculous. My family had just moved from Germany to Atlanta, a city Corey has always called home, and she was instantly my best friend. And though I lived in Atlanta only three years, we kept our friendship going regardless of where I moved. Jeremy and her son, Alex, are just months apart and have played fabulously together since they met.

Such was the case this weekend. Alex and Jeremy haven’t seen each other in two years, but you really wouldn’t know it. It’s as if no time has passed. I guess they get that from their mothers.

Since the weather was beautiful, the boys played mostly outside. Corey and I ran around town on Saturday looking for living room furniture and we had great success. (Never in my life did I think I’d have an orange couch, but… Pictures to come.) For dinner we brought Corey and Alex along with us to our Welcome to Tennessee party with all of the aunts, uncles and cousins. It was a night of real southern food with the kind of hospitality that makes you feel like you’ve indeed come home. My list of babysitters is growing by the day.

Sunday was spent in the mountains and it couldn’t have been more beautiful. I wanted to pitch my tent and sleep next to the rushing water. I can see the mountains from my back deck and can be running around in them within a half hour. That is some good geography.

Sprinkled within the weekend were moments of wide awareness regarding Japan. Every few hours we’d check online to learn the country’s status. Yesterday I read the headline “Tidal Wave of Bodies…” and my stomach sank. I simply cannot imagine. Last night I laid awake thinking about how much I enjoyed the weekend and how my blessings need to be passed on to others. I’ve never felt comfortable with the “text your donation to such-and-such number,” and you never know about other quick-start charity organizations, but this article helped me a great deal in figuring out where to send money. It looks like the American Red Cross is the best place to start.

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